गुप्त प्रलोभन स्प्रे समीक्षा – क्या यह वास्तव में काम करता है? यहां ईमानदार जानकारी प्राप्त करें!

गुप्त प्रलोभन स्प्रे समीक्षा – क्या यह वास्तव में काम करता है? यहां ईमानदार जानकारी प्राप्त करें!

I have seen various pheromone based products in the past which claim one or more benefits.Secret Seduction Spray is one of them that I found out there..

असल में, I had the opportunity to use a good number of them and I must testify not all worked as claimed.

यह अभी भी मुझे आश्चर्यचकित करता है क्यों, इस आधुनिक समय में कुछ कंपनियां अभी भी फेरोमोन के नाम पर नकली उत्पादों को वितरित करने का प्रयास कर रही हैं ताकि लोगों को निराश किया जा सके?

The simple truth is that anyone who is not informed can fall victim to any of the fake product out there.

Because different pheromone products are released on a daily basis, I thought it wise not to stop evaluating them.

Secret Seduction Spray which I found in the internet claims to be a product of choice when it comes to विपरीत लिंग को आकर्षित. The claim is achievable. How does it work to achieve what it claims?

Get fully briefed here!


उत्पाद का नाम: Secret Seduction Spray

सरकारी वेबसाइट: www.SecretSeductionSpray.com

न्यूनतम मूल्य: Each One for $97

पूरा अंक(से बाहर 100): 66 अंक

अनुशंसित उपयोग: Just 3 स्प्रे

धन वापसी नीति: 60 दिन पैसे वापस गारंटी

क्या है Secret Seduction Spray ?

Secret Seduction Spray is marketed as a pheromone based spray formulated by Troy Valance; a dating coach.

एक तथ्य के लिए, I did not just believe that Troy has archives on dating instead I had to search his blog to see things myself.

इसके साथ ही कहा, what benefits should we expect from using this spray? Are there real results?

Going by the details in the maker’s primary website, Troy shares that what this product will do is to amplify our natural ability to attract women.

It is said that by using Secret Seduction Spray, we should easily attract women to us men, where they will be excited to go to bed with us.

We would definitely want to know what customers have got to say about this product. बेशक, I’m curious to know.

Searching to see if there are feedbacks, I could see some positive reports about this pheromone spray, परंतु they all seem to be falsified. Who knows though!?

Troy’s recommendation is that we spray Secret Seduction Spray once in the left wrist, right wrist and in the neck for optimal result.

In spite of the manufacturer’s promise of a refund to unsatisfied users of the product, the product’s website looks sketchy.



Secret Seduction Spray is claimed to be a pheromone based spray, लेकिन वो exact pheromone content and its concentration are not listed on the product’s primary website.

Information is a third party website reveals that it is a powerful blend of seven (7) मानव फेरोमोन that are still not mentioned.

Follow on and see more details!

कैसे Secret Seduction Spray काम?

The beneficial role of pheromone is determined by its ability to affect certain sensitive organ in the body. It is not new; the Vomero Nasal Organ (VNO).

Does Secret Seduction Spray really work in the same way? शायद हांया नहीं! हम ढूंढ लेंगे.

Troy’s description of the product implies that it sparks up the feelings of attraction, arousal and lust in the opposite sex.

ज़रूर, Secret Seduction Spray cannot achieve these benefits without stimulating the VNO. इसलिए, it is assumed to work in the same way as प्राकृतिक फेरोमोन, but there is no evidence to substantiate its claims.

पढ़ना जारी रखें! 

यह किसके लिए है?

The maker of Secret Seduction Spray claims it’s for us men who want to achieve great benefits from our love life.

दूसरे शब्दों में, if I am in this group of people who want to attract and seduce women to bed, Troy claims that this pheromone spray is for me.

Folks who want a प्राकृतिक, safe and effective pheromone based product should find Secret Seduction Spray beneficial as claimed.

इसके अतिरिक्त, individual who want to protect their privacy can get it with this product as mentioned in the official website.



  • Increases Men’s Attractiveness;
  • यौन भावनाओं को बनाता है;
  • Creates Feeling of Arousal;
  • Seduces women to Bed;
  • More Affection and Intimacy;
  • Better Dating Successes;
  • Produces Irresistible Fragrance;
  • Claims it’s Safe and Natural;
  • यूएसए में बना;
  • Discretely Shipped;
  • पैसे वापस करने का वादा;
  • Owner’s Profile Exists;
  • सरकारी वेबसाइट है;
  • Manufacturer’s Contact Exists.


  1. The product is अपेक्षाकृत महंगा ($97), even with the discount given for bulk purchases;
  2. The product lacks proof of evidence;
  3. The type of pheromones in the product are not listed;
  4. Real users’ feedback is lacking.

ग्राहक सहयोग / गारंटी

Troy promotes to stand behind this pheromone spray with a 60 दिन पैसे वापस गारंटी.

This simply means that we have a whole 60 days to try this pheromone spray within which we can return the used/unused bottles for a refund if we are not thrilled by the effect.

There are discount packages for bulk purchase of this product and our orders should arrive within 3-5 working days.

Secret Seduction Spray is shipped discretely, hence should arrive in a plain brown packaging. We as users can communicate with the product maker through emails.

पढ़ना जारी रखें!

निष्कर्ष / मेरी निजी राय   

Having discussed the details about Secret Seduction Spray, can we now say that it will achieve its claims? कुंआ, a conclusion is required here, but this will be done in line with the information gathered so far.

पहले तो, Secret Seduction Spray claims to be a must have pheromone spray for us men महिलाओं को आकर्षित करने के, yet there is truly evidence that prove its effectiveness.

दूसरे, it labels to be a potent pheromone based product, अभी तक type and concentration of pheromone in it was not listed. This is clear indication that the product might be ineffective.

उसी प्रकार, an enhancement formula that really works should at least have some good feedbacks to count on. For this product, the few feedbacks I came across are not real as they sound falsified.

I applaud Troy’s 60 days refund policy, but a more detailed product description should give the product the credibility worth considering.

Here is my candid opinion!

अभी, the coast is clearly that it seems that this Secret Seduction Spray is only a product with some exaggerated claims from my point of view. I advice that if I were to choose, I would most like go for something else is very effective such as the Alpha Dream pheromone sprays.Alpha-Dream-Review-Pheromones-Cologne-For-Men-Does-Alpha-Dream-Work-See-Here-Reviews-Results-L2K-License-To-Kill-Men-Cologne-Alfa-Maschio-Certo-Luomo-Amore-Pheromone-For-Him-And-Her

हाँ, द्वारा clicking here I’m going to show you every information from my review on all about every Alpha Dream cologne.

For any other inquiries, leave me right underneath this review here!  यह मेरी आप से सुनने के लिए खुशी की बात है.

जुलाई - फेरोमोन पहनने

यहाँ जूलियो, संस्थापक और संपादक (PheromonesForHimAndHer.com), मैं हर किसी के साथ उद्योग और शेयर पूर्ण निष्पक्ष विवरण में वहाँ प्रत्येक मानव फेरोमोन सूत्रों की सच्चाई पता लगाने के लिए अपने खुद के समय समर्पित कर दिया है ! मेरे एक फेरोमोन पहनने जा रहा है, इस वेबसाइट इन फेरोमोन उत्पादों में से कुछ के साथ मेरी निजी स्वयं के उपयोग के आधार पर समर्पित है, और लोगों को मैं अभी तक उपयोग नहीं किया है. मैं पता लगाने के लिए अगर यह काम करता है या नहीं किसी भी निर्णय लेने से पहले आप असली समीक्षा देने के लिए जा रहा हूँ. तो फेरोमोन मैं अब तक की समीक्षा की है में से कुछ पर एक नज़र लेने के लिए स्वतंत्र महसूस हो रहा है, जो वहाँ पर हैं 100+ उत्पादों की समीक्षा यहाँ किया ! अब अगर वहाँ एक है मैं अभी तक समीक्षा नहीं की है, मुझे लगता है कि तुम यहाँ हो जाने और मुझे नीचे एक लाइन फेंक टिप्पणी बॉक्स में कृपया, उत्पाद के नाम के साथ और मैं से जाना होगा वहाँ !

इनके सभी पोस्ट देखें जुलाई - फेरोमोन पहनने →

उत्तर छोड़ दें

आपका ईमेल पता प्रकाशित नहीं किया जाएगा. अपेक्षित स्थानों को रेखांकित कर दिया गया है *
