👉 # 1 Pheromone Recommendation for MEN    👉 # 1 Pheromone Recommendation for WOMEN

Blue Eyes Pheromone Review – Can Men Bank On This For Attraction? Find Out Here!

Blue Eyes Pheromone Review – Can Men Bank On This For Attraction? Find Out Here!

From the inception of life, it has always been the story of man and woman. One can attest to this with the story of Adam and eve in the Garden of Eden.

The move to attract the opposite sex by the male folks didn’t start today and seems not to end today rather; more researches are being done on daily if not hourly basis to improve on this.

For a fact, Science is not left out in this, it has and still does all it can to improve the act of seduction.

Sit back and relax while you read on as we unfold to you one significant product called Blue Eyes Pheromone that claims to help man in his quest to attract women to himself.

At the end of this review, we will really know if this product achieves all it claims.

Anxiously but happily read on, you are on track!


Name of Product: Blue Eyes Pheromone

Websites Found: On a Few Retail Sites

Minimum Price: Price Varies

Overall Rank (out of 100): 44 Points

Recommended Usage: Just a few Application

Money Back Guarantee: Only at eBay Retailer

What is Blue Eyes Pheromone ?

Before I delve into talking about the Blue Eyes Pheromone as a product, I think it will be more beneficial to us to briefly flashback to the always said meaning of pheromone(s).

According to Wikipedia, A pheromone is a secreted or excreted chemical factor that triggers a social response in members of the same species.

They are said to be are chemicals capable of acting outside the body of the secreting individual to impact the behavior of the receiving individuals. This is really interesting.

It is a known fact that pheromones are secreted by man (men and women) and other animals.

In the context of humans, Pheromones are special chemical compounds that emits out special scents into the subconscious mind of women. This signal triggers romantic and sexual desire in women, and directs them to the holder or the direction of pheromones and that’s probably me and you.

By now, you must have known what pheromones are. Now, we are back to Blue Eyes Pheromone.

Sit back, relax, take a sip of coffee and read on!

According to a Blues Eyes Pheromone distributor, it is the strongest pheromone formulas on the market designed to increase the attractiveness of men in women. It is said to have a dramatic and an instant effect.

Further description of this formula shares that it should help us win the love of our life, strengthen our existing relationship and seduce any woman of our choice.

Blue Eyes Pheromone can be used alone and also in combination with other good pheromone perfumes and colognes.

All we need to do according to the manufacturer is to spray it on target points such as the neck, behind the ears, hand and chest. It should last for 6-8 hours.

All these, according to the product’s distributor could be achieved with only one bottle of Blue Eyes Pheromone. Sounds like hype; right?

Continue reading!

Ingredient Profile

Blue Eyes Pheromone promotes to contain high concentration pheromones.

It is a safety measure to know the type and concentration of the ingredients in any formula; pheromones in this context.

Evidently, there are no such details about Blues Eyes Pheromone. Maybe, I should term it fraudulent and a scam? Not yet till we conclude.

How Does it Work?

Research has shown that Pheromones are detected by the Vomeronasal Organ (VNO), located in the nasal cavity (the nose). As soon as the VNO detects pheromones, it sends the signal to the brain which is the center of all mental activity.

It is learnt that even small amounts of pheromones can cause stimulus of the women brain and thus significantly increase the wearer’s attractiveness to women.

It might interest us to know that people communicate chemically with each other all the time. Many are not aware of that.

The question now becomes if we produce our own pheromones, why do we need Blue Eyes pheromones?

It is obvious that as we go through life, most of our natural endowments erode. The same happens with our natural pheromone. During the human evolution the pheromones produced naturally by humans tend to reduced drastically hence the need for Blue Eyes pheromone and others.

This drastic reduction usually happens due to frequent showering, washing and the use of cosmetic products. Also, people wash off pheromones from sweats. This calls for the need for synthetic pheromones.

Don’t stop reading!

Who Is it For?

From our findings and the product information, Blue Eyes pheromones is for men who wants to increase their chances of being attracted to women or who wants to increase the power of their aura around women.

It also claims to be useful to men who desire more love from their spouses or their soul mates.

But in the natural sense, Blue Eyes pheromone is for all men. This is validated by the fact that every man will always want to inculcate what it takes to achieve a desired attention from women and others.


The Good:

  • More Eyes Contacts
  • More Attention from Women
  • Better Dates
  • More Sexual Relationships
  • Revive Exciting Relationship
  • Better Passionate Love Making
  • Better Conversation
  • More Respect;
  • Better Business Deals;
  • Increase Self Confidence
  • Distributor Offers Discrete Shipping;
  • Worldwide Shipping;
  • Fast Shipping;
  • Money Back Guarantee.

The Bad:

  1. It can never be as effective as the natural pheromone when in abundance;
  2. No much information about the product’s ingredients;
  3. Nothing found from clinical evidence to support the claims;
  4. No much customer feedback reviews were seen;
  5. Payment is through PayPal only;
  6. Is it really worth it at any chance? Read below!

Customer Support/Guarantee

Blue Eyes pheromone distributor in eBay seems to offer 120 days money back guarantee which is acceptable compared to some other sellers with no money back guarantee.

In addition to the money back guarantee, they share to provide worldwide shipping which is good in order to attract buyers worldwide.

Shipping is between 11-23 business days which to me is too far, but in addition to this they accept feedback and questions from intending buyers and/or customers.

Above all, leaving the product at $5.85 USD is moderate and will give more people the opportunity to try out the product added to their refund coverage.

However, you should be aware that some retailers might carry fake items sold from people online.

Conclusion/Final Verdict

From all the information we have gathered so far, Blue Eyes pheromone claims to be a perfect and more effective replacement for what we may call a lost glory (natural pheromone).

Looking at the ratings the distributor on eBay has gotten and considering the fact that a good number of the formula has been sold (49 products) in the store, can we conclude that Blue Eyes pheromone will leave up to its claims and promises? Maybe or not; who knows.

The distributor’s refund policy is a good one, but using PayPal as the only means of payment could pose some limitations on buyers.

Here is my personal opinion!

I will conclude that it is either the product is working for some users and was sometime in high demand or that the distributor is no longer selling the product because it lacks effectiveness as subsequent convincible customers’ feedbacks are not seen.

Therefore, I suggest that an intending user of this product should find a way to contact the distributor before spending some hard earned money on it.

Interestingly, there are other pheromones based formulas that we can lay hands on out there for better results. Have you got a chance to see the Nexus Pheromones cologne?

Till this day, I personally have been using it and every time I experience better chances when coming to women. Yet, most of the time, they usually give me looks, smile or/and even start a conversation with me.

Don’t believe me? Try it out yourself by checking my review right here and get back to me let me know what you have to say!


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Blue Eyes PheromoneBlue Eyes Pheromone Does It Work?Blue Eyes Pheromone ResultsBlue Eyes Pheromone Review